Yes, yes I know.
I still act like a child.
This was made all-too-evident this morning when I woke up at 5:30am.
Why? Because its my birthday!
And my birthday gets me all worked up and excited and then I cant sleep!
On Sunday, my husband planned a lovely dinner at my favorite Mexican restaurant with some of my favorite people (minus two very favorite people...S+M),
he insured Camille and we cruised in her all day, and it was lovely!
But there is something about the actual day of birth. It just makes me happy.
Since I am 25 and, I believe, an actual adult now, I thought Id do something mature, like reflect on the past year.
It has been a crazy, eventful year!
Andrew and I got engaged!
We went to Paraguay to visit family for a wonderful month!
We got married, and visited Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
I moved permanently out of my parents house!
I have learned so much in the past year, about myself, Andrew, God and friends.
I have become closer to people, I have lost friends.
I think Ive matured (although don't ask too many of my close friends!) and feel like I'm finally figuring out long-term stuff. Which is tres exciting!
And at the same time I think "Wow, its been 25 years since I was invented! I still have no idea where I want to go, what I want to do!"
Andrew and I have big dreams and they are only starting to take shape!
Guess it'll take a while to fulfill them all..
So here's to 25 more years!
Happy birthday Me!