Thursday, December 30, 2010

There has been a serious lack of posts from me lately, and it seems that every time I get around to posting somethings, its mostly to apologize for NOT posting, so I refuse to apologize again! :)

Christmas 2010 was epic.

Andrew and I enjoyed a quiet morning together, drinking tea and exchanging gifts. We made our way to my parents place, where we enjoyed the time-honored tradition of eating Pringles and drinking egg-nog!

Our day was amazing, not only because Baileys was added to said egg-nog, but because it is special to be with the people you love most in this world.

I cherish the time I have with my family, they are an incredible bunch! An odd bunch, but incredible none the less!
And now, we are moving on from traditions and egg-nog to New Years!

I have so many things to be thankful for in 2010.

My amazing new husband and our blessed life together.
I travelled to 3 new countries this year, as well as see MY country! (Paraguay, not Canada)

I spent 5 precious weeks getting to know my Opa one last time.

I became the proud owner of a 1973 VW Bus!

I am also now in the process of becoming an unofficial auntie! (More about that soon!)
Seriously, I could go on and on about what 2010 has brought.
God has been faithful and good through it all, like He always is.

I cant wait to see what God is calling us to in 2011, I have a feeling there will be some amazing adventures! Cuz that's how He rolls!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"How was Haiti?"
That's, by FAR, the most common question Ive been asked over the past two weeks.
And honestly, I don't really know how to answer it!
All of the above!
My time in Haiti is a time I will never forget.
Not an hour goes by that I don't think about the kids in the orphanage.
(Unless Im sleeping...then Im not thinking about anything!)
Their eyes and smiles are etched into my heart!
I think about something they said or did and I smile.
I think about the daily struggles they have and I cry.
I pray for them and hold them in my heart.
My trip to Haiti was amazing.
It was incredible to experience it with one of my best friends, to have her beside me.
That in itself was awesome!
Throw in a country that is beautiful and children that love without holding back and you have a trip that will be burned into my memory forever!
We were so blessed and protected our entire trip.
Our flights were (looong) good and went smoothly, we got all our luggage easily, and we settled in quickliy. Within 10 minutes of being at the orphanage, I was holding a little boy and my heart was gone!
We only had 10 days there and it FLEW by!
We built benches and painted a large balcony. We put together food bags and distributed it to the poor. We played games and sang songs. We danced and laughed. We cried and struggled.
I fell in love with Haiti and with the Haitian people.
They are incredible and no matter what the news says, Haiti is NOT dark and deadly.
Its a beautiful place, full of life and joy! God is moving and working and I am so blessed to have been there!
(I will post pictures and more stories soon, thanks for your patience!!)
Again, Im sorry I havent been posting lately.
Besides work and work, Ive also been working alot.
(In other words, I need a day off!)
And on that note, I have to make some dinner!
Have a happy day!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Quote of the week..3 weeks behind.

If we can accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people to not kill each other? Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want.
-Mother Teresa
Hello lovelies!
My sincere apologies for the serious lack of posts lately.

I am back safe from Haiti and have left a large chunk of my heart there!

I will post some stories and pictures soon, as soon as I have a 2-minute gap in my life!
But for now, a sneak peek of some of the beautiful creatures who have my heart.

Be still my heart...

Quote of the week.

You have a special place in the world. All you have to do is find it. Do not give up on yourself, on the truths you have realized. Do not give in to those who would crush your dreams like nutshells. And never turn away from forever love.
-Ellen Hopkins

(Photo Unknown)

Enough said