There has been a serious lack of posts from me lately, and it seems that every time I get around to posting somethings, its mostly to apologize for NOT posting, so I refuse to apologize again! :)
Christmas 2010 was epic.
Andrew and I enjoyed a quiet morning together, drinking tea and exchanging gifts. We made our way to my parents place, where we enjoyed the time-honored tradition of eating Pringles and drinking egg-nog!
Our day was amazing, not only because Baileys was added to said egg-nog, but because it is special to be with the people you love most in this world.
I cherish the time I have with my family, they are an incredible bunch! An odd bunch, but incredible none the less!
And now, we are moving on from traditions and egg-nog to New Years!
I have so many things to be thankful for in 2010.
My amazing new husband and our blessed life together.
I travelled to 3 new countries this year, as well as see MY country! (Paraguay, not Canada)
I spent 5 precious weeks getting to know my Opa one last time.
I became the proud owner of a 1973 VW Bus!

I am also now in the process of becoming an unofficial auntie! (More about that soon!)
I am also now in the process of becoming an unofficial auntie! (More about that soon!)
Seriously, I could go on and on about what 2010 has brought.
God has been faithful and good through it all, like He always is.
I cant wait to see what God is calling us to in 2011, I have a feeling there will be some amazing adventures! Cuz that's how He rolls!