I am writing this from the Seattle Airport. We are officially on our way!
We have already endured a short but tres bumpy flight from Bellingham to Seattle. Did anyone else experience crazy winds and rain or was it just us in the airplane?!
(Angela, the ginger gravol has already been much appreciated!)
We will arrive in New York this afternoon and find our way to our friends house.
I wanted to take a chance to quickly say that if you are wanting detailed updates, you will need to email me your email address so I can add you to the mailing list. You can also leave your email in a comment on this post and I will add you. We are not able to share too many details on this blog, as it is public, but we would love to share more detailed stories with you all.
Also, a giant thank you to those who have been loving and supporting us. We feel overwhelmed with all the support. We are so blessed to have this opportunity and we know we do not go alone, but with the Lord and also, with those of you who are praying for us back home.
As we were landing in Seattle, I was looking out of the window and praying. The sky was still dark, there were many clouds and you could see the city, illuminated by lights. It hit me how small we are, how insignificant. When you compare our tiny earthly bodies to this world, who are we? What worth, what voice, what opinion do I have, that can change anything? What could I, such a tiny, weak (and nauseous) body, do to glorify God?!
And yet, He has called us. He has delivered us from the pit, where teeth gnash. He has bled and died, so that I may live.
Does anyone else out there feel insignificant?
A part of me wants to say “NO! Don't do it! Im NOT worth it!”
But to do that would be to deny my beating heart. Who am I apart from Him? In HIM I live and breath and have my being! Without Him, I have nothing.
And there it is.
Yes, I am small, my life will one day end and my name will fade from memory.
But He never ends.
Because of His love for me, because HE sees me as worthy, I am! I will cling to that, when times are hard, when I feel I have nothing to bring, when Im dog-tired, sick and missing my family.
I will cling to the knowledge that when He looks at me, He sees His daughter, and thats enough for me.