Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Sorry for the silence lately! 
We have been back in Canada for 2 weeks already. 
And a busy, amazing, sweet, chaotic 2 weeks it has been! 
My amazing niece sweetly decided to wait for me to get back to canada, before being born! She was born just 32 hours after we got off the plane! I was so honoured to attend the birth, which was intense and quick!
Rebecca Lynn was born in the caul at 6:20am weighing exactly 7lbs. Mom and baby are both doing beautifully! 

Squishy baby!

He is such a proud uncle! 

I got to re-meet my nephew and quasi-niece, who are both hilarious and gorgeous! 
Mr Cody enjoyed showing B her nose! So precious! 

AND I got to meet me amazing nephew, Declan. I love him. He is so squishy and cuddly!

And this little man? Well, I have been soaking him in. He is so smart, funny and cute! And this head tilt? Kills me! 

It has been an emotional couple of weeks. Jet-lag and culture shock has been making me pretty exhausted and a bit foggy, but we are so thrilled to be here during this time! 
And coming up this weekend? My baby brother is getting married! That certainly deserves its own blog post, so I will save the mushiness for that! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Back in the great white north!

We are baaaaaaccccckkkkk!! 
Thats right, we are on canadian soil! 
It was 28 hours of travelling (plus some wait time) and over 52 hours with no sleep. 
Ill say that again.
52 hours with no sleep. 
Well, granted, I did pass out for a few minutes in a Chinese airport. I woke up in a panic when someone walked by and I thought they were stealing my passport. 

Arriving in Canada was so so sweet. I had been (almost) able to contain my excitement up until we got off the plane. Then, walking through that last stretch, to where my parents were waiting, I thought I was having a heart attack. Literally, I grabbed my chest, turned to Andrew and said "I think Im having a heart attack!" He told me Im fine and we kept going. 
We only told our parents when we were arriving, so it was quite the thrill to surprise people! I love their reactions and hugs! 

So here we are, me, bundled up, attempting to acclimatize my body. Andrew, overjoyed at the amount of food around him. 
We are so thankful to be back in this beautiful country, with our family and friends. Those fears that I was talking about? 
Well, they were just that. 
I know the culture shock will hit, I might weep in the pickle aisle (like a friend of mine did) but for now, life is extra sweet. God is so so good.