What an incredible time! Sometimes, I cant believe all the things God did while I was there, not only in the city of Jakarta, but also in me.
There I was, in the biggest city I have ever been in.
And not just the biggest.
The dirtiest.
The poorest.
A city where people have no hope.
Where children go hungry.
and yet among this darkness and despair, among chaos and bombings and hate, God was showing me a different side to the city. He was showing me his precious people, the ones that He loves and died for. The ones that have turned their backs on Him, that have broken His heart. And as I started to see Jakarta through His eyes, everything changed.
I saw joy and laughter.
I saw family.
I saw hope.
I saw prayer working.
I saw God healing.
I have so many good memories from Jakarta. I miss my Jakartan family every day. I am different for having been there. I am blessed to have been there.
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