Hello from Tel Aviv, Israel!
God is faithful! We are here and we have a 3 month visa!
We are staying in an amazing guesthouse, run by people from around the world and messianic believers. What a blessing to wake up to praise songs being sung!
This was our view from our window this morning:

I have often wondered what happens to our bags when we check them in. Andrews came back to us a bit ragged. They managed to rip one of the straps off (one of the essential ones, sadly) and break a couple of things, but the most surprising was our bombilla. (We drink mate every morning)
Its made out of strong metal and somehow, it managed to get quite bent! We are clueless as to how this happened! Andrew was quite sad about it, obviously!
Thank you for your prayers, we felt them as we were going through security! We are so blessed!
"But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we have in glory."
Hebrews 3:6
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