Sunday, March 31, 2013

Life lately..

I feel as if I haven't blogged in a long time. 
But its only been 10 days! 
I dont know if it feels like longer becuase the days are dragging on, or just because I miss it?
Either way, Im back! 
A few days ago, we had a 2 hour chat with my brother, his wife and our beautiful nephew. Well, Declan didn't have a whole lot to say, but he was enthralled with the computer screen. I like to think he knows my face already. 
(Hey, an auntie can dream!) 

(Seriously, look at that face?! Is he not the cutest!?)

It was so nice to sit and chat, by far the longest we've chatted since leaving Canada. It felt like we were in Canada, just hanging out. Its incredibly surreal that we will be home in 6 weeks. I keep trying to tell myself that, but my head doesn't quite get it yet. A part of me is so thrilled to be back there. I think about all the people we will see, and the food we will eat (We have already requested many different dishes!). I cant think of the trip home yet, it makes my stomach hurt. 
For those of you who know me, you know how I get when Im excited. Im very similar to a chihuahua who gets too excited and pees themselves. Thankfully, I haven't literally peed myself in a long time, but I get all wiggly and nauseas and have to pee every 10 minutes. 

(Any of my bridesmaids remember RIGHT before I walked down the aisle? Mom holding the dress and me, peeing on that mini-peoples toilet in the children's church class? Yeah, too excited.)
Anyway, moving on. 

It has been a good, challenging week. We have moved out of the girls house, making way for the new long-term caretaker! We are so thrilled with her. She's a young, thai girl who grew up in an orphanage up north that we are connected with. She is amazing with the girls and we are so thankful that God provided someone to be here long term! 
So where does this leave us? Well, let me assure you, we are not bored! This leaves us with more time to:
 1. Breath. 
2. Talk to each other.
3. Get little things done that we have been meaning to do for months!
4. Teach Joe english (he's our oldest boy here)

It has been strange to take a step back from the morning and evening routine for the girls. I find myself stopping by a lot, or craning my neck to listen for if they are calling me! They are adjusting well and seem to be doing well. 

Little Miss Sassy pants!

Selfishly, it makes me happy when they run up to me with giant hugs and kisses and tell me they miss me. Which is so funny, because I live literally 10 feet from them! 

Oh the toughness and sweetness that this little one carries. I love her. 

Andrew installed a ceiling fan and some lights this week. This involved being up on a ladder, his top half stuck into the attic. While he was up there, our director strolled in and said, casually, "Wow, you're brave! Im too scared of the king cobras to go up there!"
Say WHAT?! 
Apparently the cobras like to make nests above our heads and eat the bugs and geckos that live up there. 
Again I say, ABOVE OUR HEADS!!
I have deliberately decided to forget that conversation ever happened. No, I haven't forgotten quite yet, but I relying on my amazing ability to forget everything. It should kick in any day now...

Its 37 degrees out, at 8pm and Im about to enjoy a cold shower. Well, its hot enough that right now, even a cold shower isn't cold enough. Sad times. 
Thanks for stopping by! 

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