March 21 is World Down Syndrome awareness day.
In honour of that I wanted to share an incredible family with you.
"I have learned something very important about Elias. He doesn’t want our life to be any different because of him, he just wants to be a part of it. He wants to be loved. He wants to enjoy life and the people in it. Sure, Elias has Down Syndrome, but things really aren’t as different as I thought they would be."
And I couldnt resist this picture of Max.
"Keep calm, its only an extra chromosome!"
I have two foster brothers that have down syndrome.
Anyone who has been to my parents house has been hugged and possibly interrogated by them. If you come to visit in the evening, you will be made to sit down and watch "Gilligan's Island" and eat an ice cream cone.
I could not imagine my life or our family without them.
They have taught me so much about enjoying the simple things, loving people without judgement, and learning to laugh at ourselves. I am grateful for their lives and for all that they have taught me.
Such a inspiring post!
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