Monday, August 16, 2010

Trusting step by step.

The past month has been interesting, spiritually speaking.
Andrew and I are getting used to the whole "married" thing (and LOVING it, FYI)
and because we are married, we are also having to make some big decisions.
Where will we live?
When will we have kids? (not for a LONG time!)
What do we want our lives to look like?
Where is God leading us?
You see, I have always loved travelling.
OK, "love" is not a good enough word for it.
I live for travelling.
I am alive then.
I see God there.
I love being there, not only out in the world, seeing the incredible things out there,
I LOVE telling people about Jesus!
I love attending a church that is so different from the ones back home.
I love speaking truth into peoples lives!
I love having to preach to a church of 200 with 5 minutes to prepare.
I love praying for miracles and then seeing them happen.
Its something that God has put on my heart.
Its something that is heavy and hard to carry.
Loving the nations is not a part time job.
Its not going to the "nice" places in this world.
Its being IN the world, but not OF the world.
Andrew and I are praying hard.
We are praying that God will be glorified by our marriage, our choices, our lives.
We are willing to go, anxious even, but we will not take a step forward unless we know its the steps that He has called us too.

"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring Good news."
Isaiah 52:7

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