Wednesday, November 7, 2012

When in Hyderabad!

Here are some fun pictures from last week! This girl is so precious and wild and funny. I LOVE her! In this picture, Andrew told her "smile!" and she kissed me instead. Like I said, so precious!

They have an intense friendship. They argue and wrestle and it makes my heart happy!

When it pours outside, our room become the laundromat!

Our local "trash lake". 

A new friend, hanging out with Evan and Theo!  

This week was, once again, not what we expected! We were asked to come to Hyderabad with an american nurse and 2 of the kids from the orphanage. Theo needs spinal surgery and Maggie needs immediate intestinal surgery.
We have been here for 5 days now and plan to head home to Ongole tonight, with Maggie.
Maggie did so well in her surgery! She hardly seemed in pain (which is great, since she is in soooo much pain normally!) and we are thrilled! 
Cuddles with Theo:

When we first got to Hyderabad (haven't been here in 2 months) we were shocked! We hadn't seem such "luxury" in 2 months! There are stores and toilet paper and hot water! We are staying in a (VERY) basic guesthouse, across the street from the hospital. This alone has been an experience! The staff come into our room, without knocking, at all times of the day or night. Seriously. 6:30am they are banging on our door (we lock it, nobody else seems too!), sweeping our floors, or taking our garbage and they also come as late at 11pm! Its all a part of the culture, at least thats what we tell ourselves late at night when we answer the door, just to have the maid stare at us and smile for a few minutes (I wish I was joking!)
We have been enjoying the change in street food and even ate at Chilis!

 We have never been before, go figure that we would go, for the first time, in India! What we are struggling with is the price change. We spent WAAAAAAY more on dinner at Chilis than we have in 8 months, it kind of traumatized us. We walked away saying "Imagine how much we could have done with all that money in Ongole! We could have bought rice for our kids!" but then realized that really, $30 is $30 and we need to get over. It was a wakeup call though, our hearts and priorities have changed so much. We are not ok with regularly spending money on ourselves. We pause and say to each other "do we really need this?" when we buy juice at the store. Juice people. Its a bit silly, but I'm thankful that we have this mindset. I know we have to be ready to face these issues when we are back in Canada. I know we will be hit with culture shock, with consumerism and the love of money, and it will be hard. 
But Im so thankful for the lessons we have learned! 
How adorable is he eh?! Oh Theo!

This was at the local "Cafe coffee day" and it made me laugh.

A mall!! Whoa, we were fascinated!

Our dear friend Audrey!

Salad for the first time in....8 months!

Co-sleeping at its best!

Fresh fruit juice! Pineapple is our favorite!

Welcome to Hyderabad!

Getting gas for the rickshaw!

Our "private" driver!

4 hours in the train station to get our tickets to New Delhi? Why not!?

Our favorite street food vendor. They love having up eat there, I think it gives them "white-people-know-us" status!~

Precious Theo! Oh how we love this little man!

So there you go, a little glance into our week, I have much much more to post about and will do that soon! We haven't had internet (hence, 55 notifications on facebook!) until today! Let the updating begin!

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